Polskie i Czeskie atrakcje czekają na was

Polish and Czech attractions are waiting for you

Do you like cycling? Are you looking for an idea to spend your free time actively? We invite you to visit amazing places on the Polish-Czech border. We have prepared for you two bicycle routes from Pszczyna to Havířov and from Havířov to Pszczyna.

As part of the project "Study Tour in the land of 4 lakes"- implemented by the Pszczyna District and the Microregion Žermanické a Těrlické přehrady - the Polish-Czech group took part in two bicycle expeditions. Based on the routes they traveled and places they visited, this website was developed. You will find descriptions of routes and the most interesting tourist attractions, as well as accommodation and gastronomy base, which may be useful during trips. All avid cyclists and not only are invited to cross-border routes together!


Project deadline: 2th May 2018 r. – 30th December 2018 r.
Total cost of the project: 20.406,02 EUR (Pszczyna District: 18.052,50 EUR, Mikroregion Žermanické a Těrlické přehrady: 2.353,52 EUR)
- ERDF: 16.365,07 EUR (Pszczyna District: 14.742,96 EUR, Mikroregion Žermanické a Těrlické přehrady: 1.622,11 EUR)
- country budget: 867,23 EUR (Pszczyna District)




bicycle routes
in the region
of 4 lakes


PSZCZYNA, Piechurów 3
Phone: +48 32 447 44 40

„Willa Wiktoria” Pensjonat

Phone: +48 32 210 72 27


PSZCZYNA, Nałkowskiej 17
Phone: +48 32 210 40 17

„Dzika Kaczuszka”

Phone: +48 32 449 20 80

Restauracja „Wesołe Koniki”

PAWŁOWICE, Warszowice, Żorska 7a
Phone: +48 660 326 326

„Dolce Vita”. Lodziarnia włoska

PSZCZYNA, Rynek 16
Phone: +48 32 447 78 80